A father and daughter together thanks to the results of a person who donated body to science.

Make a difference today

Donate Body to Science banner with group of people hiking through a valley.

Give to the next generation

Donate Body to Science banner with family on the beach.

Make the pledge today

Interested in Becoming a Whole Body Donor
for Medical Education and Research?

The Southwest Institute for Bio-Advancement, SWIBA is a nationally accredited Non-Transplant Anatomical Donation Organization (NADO). We prioritize our focus locally whenever possible. However, SWIBA works with a variety of hospitals, universities, medical device companies and surgical training facilities both nationally and internationally. We try to make it easy to donate your body to science. Also, we now have a state-of-the-art surgical training facility (bioskills lab) that will be essential in training local surgeons, physicians, and first responders.

Call our toll-free number 800-723-3031 or fill out our form here.

Local Business Helps Families Donate Loved Ones Who Passed Away to Science and Education

Our Bioskills Lab

Host your next surgical training event at Tucson’s premiere state-of-the-art surgical training facility. We have designed it to mimic a modern operating room. SWIBA specializes in facilitating surgical device and procedure seminars for all medical specialties and educational opportunities for our community.